
Showing posts from December, 2010

Life goes on

It is the night before Christmas Eve. Ridge is making hard sauce now, because the girls and I will be taking the kitchen over tomorrow for our cookie making. As he points out, we have an eclectic variety of cookies to make. Every year we make the Williamsburg Cookbook's Bourbon Balls. That is sacrosanct! (Holy Bourbon Balls--can you use them for communion?!) Then I usually want to make Koulourakia, the little twisted, sesame-coated butter cookies my Greek family liked. Put a little ouzo in and...oops! Another candidate for communion! Alcohol and flour...close enough to bread and wine, isn't it? I bought the cookie ingredients today, after talking on the phone with my Mom. She's in St. Thomas' Hospital in Akron, again, for depression. She says, "I want to be with you!". She says it to everyone who calls. How hard it must be for her. The nurse says that she won't stay in one place for more than a few minutes. She complains of pain in her back and knees, but...