Star Wars Started our New Chapter of Life

When Star Wars debuted in Cleveland (Star Wars: A New Hope), My husband and I were in the midst of moving from our delightfully cozy world to a new one. He had been offered a job in Washington, D.C. This was a difficult move for me, as my family was in Cleveland, and I had never lived anywhere else. We had a two bedroom apartment in an old but tony suburb. It was large and spacious, with wood floors and a fireplace. The ceilings were at least ten feet high, and the place was within walking distance to Shaker Square, home of the Shaker Rapid Transit. The Rapid still had its 1930's cars with windows that opened.  It went straight down to the Terminal Tower, now known as Tower City in the heart of downtown Cleveland. We had many friends from the Cleveland Institute of Music, and from Trinity Cathedral where we were paid soloists. Our situation was as perfect as possible.

My husband received an offer he couldn't refuse, so we prepared to move. The night before we drove to D.C., our movers having packed us up, we decided that, considering it was a very hot August, and showering was our only way to cool down (no AC), we would go to Severance Mall and see the movie we read about that was a new blockbuster hit. We went primarily to take advantage of the mall's A.C.

What an incredible surprise it was! Dazzling, funny, full of cool effects and good acting, we were totally transported. I forgot my misgivings about the move during that wonderful film.

The next day we packed and left the empty apartment. Before leaving, I tiptoed to the dining room, bent down, and kissed the cool wood of the floor. We had had so many memories in that apartment: Opera parties where we  shared our favorite records with friends and they with us; an after-wedding gathering when we opened gifts to the sound of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony performed by the Cleveland Orchestra; recitals and operas we did at the Cleveland Institute of Music, and of course, singing the complete Handel's Messiah at Trinity Cathedral. We had been blessed there. But we had to go.

It was so long ago, now, but with the coming of The Last Jedi, the memories return.  Since moving we established ourselves in the D.C. musical community. We had children and now a grandson. Our home, family, and friends complete us. But I remember that apartment where we started our life together, and it tickles me that our next chapter started with the first Star Wars movie. This new one better be good!


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