First Day

Today was my first day as acting director of our Preschool, a school in which I've taught, laughed, scolded, danced, sang and generally made a fool of myself in the name of nurturing learning in young children for twenty years. I did not seek this sobriquette. I was drafted!

So far: Our director has had troubles enough that Job should stop belly-aching, and she has not been able to do her job. The school was looking for a new director for when our director finished her contract at the end of July, but since she hasn't been around, the staff pushed for help immediately. Since I have been looking for better pay, they decided to ask the church to draft me for the dubious honor. The church said yes.
I went in this morning to find other teachers rushing me away from the office because our former director had come in. She was furiously deleting her files from the computer. No one wanted me to be a target of her wrath, which I found profoundly touching. So I went into teacher mode and stayed in my classroom until she left. I felt lighter than I have in a long while. Having a broader range of responsibilities might seem like a burden to some, but, inexplicably, I found it rather interesting and challenging. After school, we solved a problem involving the yearbook project that had been started. I talked with the state inspector to find out what she needed from us to correct the licensing violations left by our previous director. Then I put on my other hat, Northern Virginia Community College adjunct, and worked on my Blackboard site for several hours. The summer semester starts next week.

This adventure might turn into real life eventually, but for now, I'm excited to be working at something new!

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