Ridge's Birthday

Today Ridge is 61! He's taking it in stride. I bought him a laptop for Christmas and his birthday, with help from the "kids". We all went to Best Buy to pick it out, with Dan on his cell to his Dad for more help. Ridge likes it. I wanted to get him one because he doesn't have a job and I am wondering if he'll have to do consulting work. In that case, he certainly will need his own laptop.
We are taking this no-job thing day to day, depending on God's grace. Lots of people are praying for him, anyway. Church has called him once or twice.

We are taking him out to dinner with the Murphys, Geers, Dan & Alix, and Katie at Sunsets in Belmar. I got a nice bonus from preschool that I'm donating to the cause! It's like God gives you what you need when you need it.


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