Halloween, preschool style.
We walk in a line down to the school office for our first "treat", an apple, then on to the church office for our second treat, a pencil. Then down to the Social Hall for a few more, only one of which is actual candy. We dance one teacher's favorite, The Chicken Dance. Next we dance to mine, Ghostbusters. I secretly think my choice is much more fun. The children seem to agree. The princesses (they are all princesses this year) grab each others' hands and circle, giggling. The boys bob up and down, not too sure Batman or Spiderman would be caught doing something so undignified. Not everyone dances. Some are already crying, over-excited, over-whelmed, over-the-top. We march back to the room so the families can gather their belongings. More pictures, and one in particular seems to say it all. A little girl may be a little girl, but on Halloween she can be whoever she pleases. And this pleases her immensely.