This coming week

I have always been a "P", in Myers-Briggs terminology. I am in love with possibilities, like to take in information rather than make decisions, need to stay with the "spirit" (my interpretation).
Having my whole week planned with many things to accomplish feels uncomfortable to me.

The coming week is all planned up.  It feels as if I only need to follow the plan and I don't have to make any spontaneous decisions. That's an untenable position for me. Tomorrow I go from school to the Kennedy Center for a class on assessment. Oh, how wonderful, you say! How interesting! Yes, it is. But I don't get to choose what to do at the end of the school day. It is already planned. Tuesday evening I go from school to Reston to work, and then to the childcare center where I'm teaching  Art, Music & Movement this half-semester. How cool! How busy and productive. Okay, yes, but it is already planned. I don't get to make any new creative decisions. Then Wednesday and Thursday we take turns, from my school,  going to the NAEYC Conference in D.C. On Friday we all go for a whole day and Saturday we do, too. How fortunate! Lots of professional development opportunities!


Of course, given that I would probably go home and read or watch HBO GO rather than do these marvelous professional activities, I should soldier on and be grateful I'm not bound for a week of sloth. But as a friend once said, I need "P" time. I need to just be. Creativity comes from a sort of negative space, which I won't have this week.

Maybe next, wait, isn't that Thanksgiving?


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