A taboo broken

A few years ago my daughter Katie and I went down to W. 14th St. in Cleveland to visit the Greek Orthodox church where I was baptised. Across the street from the church was a kafenion, or coffee shop, where the men congregated when the service became too long for them! On this visit, the coffee shop being in the same place it was when I was born, Katie and I ventured in. There were three men drinking that thick brew known as Greek (or Turkish, if you want to be difficult) coffee, smoking and gabbing. The only other person there was the woman making the coffee. Katie and I might have been the first women customers in 75 years! We drank our coffee, and talked with the customers. A little while later we scurried out, having made our "statement". Recently I learned that this institution had closed. I am glad the two of us had the chance to "integrate" it first!
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