Parking, heart health, and the self.

This morning, I entered the parking lot of Mount Vernon Hospital as I usually do, and cruised for a spot. Normally I find one after a bit of looking. Not today! One of my pet peeves, the huge SUV's that have exciting names--"Explosion" for example--were cruising with me, blocking me, backing up to go another way, and generally being too gigantic for such a small lot. There were small cars, too, that would drive in and catch someone leaving, but I'd be on the other side of the lot! I'm thinking, "I've been cruising here for twenty minutes and you just come in and  steal a spot out from under me?" I got mad and thought of giving up and going home, but I didn't really want to. I even prayed for a parking space Finally,  I called the rehab gym to ask what I should do. The nurse told me to try the street. Now I am rehabbing after a month-long stay in the hospital for open-heart surgery and resulting pneumonia. I never drive to street parking and walk back to the hospital's entrance! I'm accustomed to people taking care of me. but I guess my car isn't part of the bargain! So I parked on the street and walked. I guess God answered my prayer, after all.

I kind of like my fellow rehabbers. Two of the men are pretty bent over, using walkers with seats. One heard my story as I was telling a woman (who graduated last week) about it and stopped to talk in the hall. While he had a heart attack twenty years ago, he was in rehab after getting stents. He said, "You've gone through it! What I had was a case of indigestion next to you!" But others were more matter-of-fact about our ills. I love to say, "What are you in for?" So the stories come out. Two of the men have wives who won't let them drive themselves. The  wives drive them in and pick them up. I drive myself because, why not? I can. 

I  think about these things because as hard as I work to be strong,  I will never be as strong as I was. Sometimes I get depressed about it and  just want to sit and read. But movement is crucial. We need to give our bodies their due. And my insurance pays for rehab! 

I wish you all the best of  health.


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