This is a snapshot (remember that word?) I recently scanned into my computer. It is of my extended family on my father's side, before a few other children were born. I am on the right, on the floor, sitting pretty in my black and white (really) window pane plaid, sleeveless dress that I loved, a flower in my hair. I was probably 5. My brother, Bob, sits on my Grandpa's lap. On the left is my grandmother, Elizabeth. I barely knew her because besides being more at home in Greek than English, she was also schizophrenic, and was often in the hospital. Grandpa paid for it out of his own pocket, because he had no hospitalization (they didn't call it health insurance, then). She must have been in her early 50's in this picture, younger than I am now. And yet she was an old Greek lady, in a housedress, hair pulled back. She would smoke, sitting on the back stoop, legs apart, just like I saw women in Greece do when I visited there 27 years later. It was an embarrassment to her ...